Featured Image Banner for Setting CSS Custom Properties (Variables) using the Wordpress Customizer

Setting CSS Custom Properties (Variables) using the WordPress Customizer

Recently I worked on a WordPress project that was undergoing a site refresh, and had frequent color changes. To save the hassle of having to go in and update colors for everything and also give the client control over the colors, I decided that the best course of action would be to make the colors […]

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Using the WordPress Interactivity API without using Blocks and Gutenberg

In the WordPress 6.5 Update, WordPress introduced the Interactivity API. The Interactivity API allows “developers to create rich, interactive user experiences”. The main purpose for the Interactivity API is to provide a standard way for developers to develop interactive experiences when developing Gutenberg Blocks. I like the idea of a standard, “WordPress way” of developing […]

Sorty Terms by Latest Post Date Image

Sorting Category and Taxonomy Terms by Latest Post in WordPress

Recently I needed to implement a way to return custom taxonomy terms sorted by their latest posts. For example, imagine we have a movie review site, and we use the default category taxonomy as “Movie Categories”. Maybe they will have the following taxonomy terms: Getting taxonomy terms with get_terms() We can easily get the category […]